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60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves

Update: April 29, 2023

Those who have been fortunate enough to have come across Mike Stathis realize that he is perhaps the single best securities analyst and market forecaster in the world. 

They also realize he provides the best educational content found anywhere.


Mike's first special video presentations were published in 2012 in order to provide investors with unique investment and trading opportunities, as well as unique educational content.

During that period Mike had warned about the collapse of LDK Solar (see here and here). 

As many will recall, Mike also predicted the collapse resulting from the pump-and-dump in Groupon, Facebook and other social media stocks.

Mike also reiterated his recommendations to short Blockbuster Video and go long on Netflix from his 2008 book the Wall Street Investment Bible, in two follow-up pieces (here, here and here).

In May 2012, we presented the results of twenty-five (25) stocks we earmarked for significant downside in the Intelligent Investor newsletter (see here).

One week later we released a special video presentation, 60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves containing approximately sixty (60) securities poised to deliver outstanding returns, IF you know when and at what price to enter. 

After only four (4) weeks since we released this special video presentation, 60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves, several of these stocks had already returned up to 80%.

The results of this presentation, 60 Stocks Poised for HUGE Moves were spectacular, with the majority of stocks providing good to amazing returns based on following our analysis and guidance. 

This is the now famous video series where Mike Stathis predicted the bankruptcy of Sears and Radio Shack, to be followed by JC Penny a few years later. 

These calls alone are worth many times the price of the entire presentation. 

Because this video series was published in May 2012, the trading opportunities have been exhausted.

But we are offering this 9-hour video series as an educational resource.

As most of you already know, everything Mike publishes is educational, and this video series is no exception.

This video series consists of 9 videos lasting more than 6 hours. 

More About this Special Video Series

  • The list of 60+ securities was created after a manual screen of more than 1000 securities by factoring in economic risk, valuation, fundamentals, market risk, market valuation, and other variables.
  • Each securities presentation contains an overview of risks specific to the firm, as well as external risks and opportunities, relative valuation, desired entry price, and price expectations.
  • We also discuss certain assumptions considered for the selection of these securities as well as a general market forecast over the short, intermediate, and longer-term periods.
  • We devote more time to those securities in the list that we feel offer the best chance of significant upside.

Here are a Few of the Many Winners from this series: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Here's what you get:

  • 9 videos containing world-class fundamental & technical analysis
  • Master List containing all relevant information
  • 2 documents with instructions on shorting stocks
  • Final Analysis document



Cost of the Presentation

  • The following rates apply only to non-professional investors.
  • Analysts, fund managers, financial advisers, and other financial professionals, including those involved with management of assets for compensation who are interested in purchasing access to this presentation should contact us for pricing.

The cost to access to this video presentation:

  • General Public: $1,2991,2,3 
  • Members: $799
  • Research subscribers: $599

Please email us for payment instructions.


1  Access to this video series is will be provided for at least one (1) year from the date of purchase. 

2 Only those individuals who purchase access to this video series will be permitted to view the videos.

3 You are not permitted to retain ownership or copy these videos.  

4 This video series includes discussion and illustration of methods of securities analysis which have been characterized as trade secret. Accordingly, we have gone through all necessary steps to ensure the material is legally recognized as trade secret. By purchasing access to this series you agree to not discuss the material publicly or privately through any means.    

Restrictions Against Reproduction: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the Publisher.

These articles and commentaries cannot be reposted or used in any publications for which there is any revenue generated directly or indirectly. These articles cannot be used to enhance the viewer appeal of any website, including any ad revenue on the website, other than those sites for which specific written permission has been granted. Any such violations are unlawful and violators will be prosecuted in accordance with these laws.

Article 19 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

This publication (written, audio and video) represents the commentary and/or criticisms from Mike Stathis or other individuals affiliated with Mike Stathis or AVA Investment Analytics (referred to hereafter as the “author”). Therefore, the commentary and/or criticisms only serve as an opinion and therefore should not be taken to be factual representations, regardless of what might be stated in these commentaries/criticisms. There is always a possibility that the author has made one or more unintentional errors, misspoke, misinterpreted information, and/or excluded information which might have altered the commentary and/or criticisms. Hence, you are advised to conduct your own independent investigations so that you can form your own conclusions. We encourage the public to contact us if we have made any errors in statements or assumptions. We also encourage the public to contact us if we have left out relevant information which might alter our conclusions. We cannot promise a response, but we will consider all valid information.

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