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Video Presentation "20 Stocks Over $100" Lands HUGE Profits: CMI

Investors who purchased our video research presentations continue to rake in HUGE profits.

The following represents just one example.

In our video presentation, Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Twenty Stocks Trading Over $100 (also referred to as “20 stocks over $100,” Mike stated that Cummins (CMI) pointed to the collapse of CMI as the emerging markets showed more signs of weakness, down to the mid- to low-80s to high-70s.

Cummins is a stock that Jim Cramer and other media clowns have been pumping to their sheeple audience for months now, never bothering to warn that this company is very vulnerable to a slowdown in China and Brazil. See here.



Wall Street was pumping CMI the entire time as well.

Caterpillar (CAT) is in a similar situation. Subscribers to the Intelligent Investor know that we have been warning investors about CAT for months. In fact, we stated that CAT would be one the best Dow Jones stocks to short once China entered a trend of increasing economic weakness.

At the time we published the video series (April 30, 2012), CMI was trading at more than $115.

Since we released this presentation, CMI has since collapsed to as low as $82 on July 12, 2012 and is currently selling for $87.




We also took the money from those who trusted Wall Street Analysts.


Of course, Mike’s conclusions and recommendations were not simply based on looking at the charts, although he is clearly one of the world’s best technical analysts.

Like all of the securities in this presentation, Mike presented an overview of the company, discussing the fundamentals, valuation, opportunities and risks.  

In this presentation, Mike did not just discuss the fundamentals of CMI, he also discussed forecasts for China and Brazil.

This is what some people fail to understand; that is, when you watch Mike go through even a single security analysis, he doesn’t just present the specifics of the security, the business, valuation and so forth, he discusses the entire industry, makes comparisons with competitors and even discusses the stock market projections and economic projections for the nations most relevant to the security.

Thus, you get an extremely valuable and comprehensive presentation that very few professionals in the world are capable of delivering accurately.

You will NOT find anyone else in the world that possess the breadth of skills and forecasting abilities in securities trading, valuation, market forecasting, currency and commodities forecasting as our Chief Investment Strategist, Mike Stathis. The proof is in print, and in this case, even in video.

Anyone who thinks it’s too late to make money buying these video presentations simply doesn’t know how good Mike is. I’m willing to bet this accuracy rate in all of the video presentations hits at least 80%.


The question is this. Is now the time to buy CMI? 


You will know this after watching the video.


Fundamental & Technical Analysis of Twenty Stocks Trading Over $100

Each security is presented in a separate video. However, the video presentations are being offered for purchase in groupings of two (2) as shown below.





The regular rate for each video pair is as follows:

Newsletter Subscribers: $60

Members: $80

Everyone Else (non-professionals+): $100

+ professional investors/industry professionals contact us for pricing


AAPL (Apple) & BIIB (Biogen Idec)

AMZN (Amazon) & LO (Lorillard)

BLK (Blackrock) & CMI (Cummins)

CMG (Chipotle) & RL (Ralph Lauren)

GOOG (Google) & CRM (

IBM (IBM) & PX (Praxair)

MA (MasterCard) & FOSL (Fossil)

MCD (McDonalds) & ISRG (Intuitive Surgical)

NKE (Nike) & PNRA (Panera)

V (Visa) & PCLN (



Complete 20-Video Set (more than 5 hrs of analysis)


*refund (sent via Paypal immediately after we receive payment)

+ professional investors/industry professionals contact us for pricing




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This publication (written, audio and video) represents the commentary and/or criticisms from Mike Stathis or other individuals affiliated with Mike Stathis or AVA Investment Analytics (referred to hereafter as the “author”). Therefore, the commentary and/or criticisms only serve as an opinion and therefore should not be taken to be factual representations, regardless of what might be stated in these commentaries/criticisms. There is always a possibility that the author has made one or more unintentional errors, misspoke, misinterpreted information, and/or excluded information which might have altered the commentary and/or criticisms. Hence, you are advised to conduct your own independent investigations so that you can form your own conclusions. We encourage the public to contact us if we have made any errors in statements or assumptions. We also encourage the public to contact us if we have left out relevant information which might alter our conclusions. We cannot promise a response, but we will consider all valid information.

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