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YouTube Scam Ads: Vu Nguyen (ExitforProfit) Day Trading Scam Artist

Anyone who promotes day trading as an investment strategy is a complete fool.

And anyone who sells day trading courses or trading alert services is a scam artist.

This includes day trading scam artist kingpin Tim Sykes and his crew of scammers he refers to as his "million dollar students," who are really operating as his business partners. 

And they learned how to pull the day trading scam from him. 

I challenge Sykes and his so-called "million-dollar students" to show ME evidence that their claims are true.

I can guarantee you they are all lying scam artists. 

Let me be clear about this.  

Those who promote day trading as a viable means by which to generate sizable profits over the long run are scam artists.  And that's a fact.  

I've already covered this topic many times in the past. 

Top Wall Street Insider Mike Stathis Exposes Day Trading as Scam (censored)

I'm not saying you cannot or should never make day trades because there are actually some periods where it's a good idea.

But day trading should never be used as an investment strategy because those who go this route will, at best significantly underperform the market in the long run.

The majority of day traders will end up losing everything.  

Below is a video of an ad from YouTube whereby some guy claims he can teach you to make easy money day trading simply by following a trend.

This claim is absurd. 

And because he's making money based on this nonsense, that makes him a complete fraud. 

As you listen to this clown, it should be obvious he knows very little about anything related to trading stocks or investments. 

He's a complete clown.

But that's good for his business because it attracts other clueless people into his scam. 

These ads run on YouTube channels ranging from fake investment gurus to Bloomberg and CNBC.  

That means YouTube is earning money from scam artists and helping people to be scammed by running ads like this one.  

This is more evidence that shows YouTube is funded by scam artists. 

The same is true of its parent company, Google as well. 

It also means that many YouTube channel owners are also earning money by helping these scam artists deceive, defraud and exploit many of the naive suckers who watch YouTube, thinking the content is legit and will improve their lives.

Nothing could be further from the truth. 

These day trading scam artists also pay for fake reviews making sure naive people fall for the scam.   

You have been warned. 

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