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Yahoo Finance Fraud Jared Blikre Worked at Zero Hedge and RT Under Fake Name Bob English (CENSORED)

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Fake News Blog Zero Hedge Still Promoting Fear-Mongering Con Artists (like Doug Casey)

Today we look at the promotion of fear-mongering con man Doug Casey by the fake news blog known as Zero Hedge.  This exercise is being performed in order to highlight two important learn points...

SCAM ALERT: Harry Dent Minion, Charles Sizemore Wants to Sell You His "Secret" Strategy that Beats S&P 500 by 2000%

The following video provides yet another example illustrating how financial charlatans operate. In this video, Dent Research "chief retirement strategist" Charles Sizemore released a pitch in 2018 c......

FOX Business Lackey Neil Cavuto Shills for Disinfo Con Man Robert Kiyosaki

Mike Stathis predicted the 2008 financial crisis with more accuracy than anyone in the world. And his two books which predicted the collapse were released in late-2006 and early-2007, enabling those w...

Yahoo Finance's Jared Blikre Promoted Con Man Mike Maloney

Please see this previous post for more on scam artist and liar Jared Blikre.  Yahoo Finance's Jared Blikre is a Zero-Hedge Plant and Fraud

Blast from the Past (2013): Exposing Chris Martenson's Money Map (Agora Financial) Fear-Mongering BS

Anyone who was unfortunate enough to believe Chris Martenson's BS and follow his advice missed out on the longest bull market in history.  It's been 8 years since this scam (video below) wa...

Mike Calls Into Whitney Tilson's Copyrighting Boiler Room to Confront His Lies

Sign into your account to watch the two remaining videos and see the remainder of the content.

Doug Casey: Investment Legend or Huge Liar and Career Con Man?

The number of lies presented in the following BS propaganda videos (below) are endless. But it's precisely what you'd expect from the kind of horse shit being pumped out of copywriting boiler rooms....

Robert Kiyosaki is One of the Biggest Frauds in the World

Check the image library for dozens of additional annotated images which illustrate what a liar, idiot and fraud Kiyosaki is.  Click the empty box below and wait for the video to......

Peter Schiff Gets Robert Kiyosaki to Pitch His Gold Fund

Who would you go to if you had no conscious or morals and wanted to pitch a terrible product to people? You'd probably want to find another charlatan who has a large following of uneducated and naive...

Bonehead Financial Planner and Friend of Robert Kiyosaki Recommends Peter Schiff's Useless Gold Fund

Listen to these idiots in the video below. Then check the results.   This proves once again that it's absolutely critical to arm yourself with a real investment expe......

Idiot and Con Man Robert Kiyosaki Shows Why He is a Contrarian Indicator

This proves once again that it's absolutely critical to arm yourself with a real investment expert because there's so much garbage out there.   Imagine how much mone......

Con Man Robert Kiyosaki Claims You Can Survive the Market Crash if You Buy His Board Game

Robert Kiyosaki continues to push the limits of stupidity.  Kiyosaki's latest pitch shows how confident he is that his cult members are brainless idiots.  His message is basically that "I...

Lying Con Man Doug Casey Claims He Predicted the 2008 Financial Crisis

Perhaps you remember my prediction that as the years pass we will hear about more people who claimed they predicted the 2008 financial crisis. This is certain to happen because con artists know that t...

Con Men Unite: Stefan James Teams Up With Robert Kiyosaki

In case you don't know who Stefan James is, here's an intro. Note there YouTube is filled with con artists like him.  I've also exposed Kiyosaki on numerous occassions. Just use the search......

MarketWatch Fraudsters Promote Career Con Man, Investment Idiot, Conspiracy Loon and Silver Pumper Robert Kiyosaki


Doug Casey and the Business Model of Doomsday Charlatans

The following audio was originally created in 2014 yet remains just as valuable today.     ...

Jewish Media Fraud of the Day - Mention Jewish Copywriting Clowns as if They Matter

I see the kind of media fraud shown in the image below multiple times each day, so I thought I'd give everyone a brief tutorial on how the scam works. The scam is really too obvious, but you're not...

Mike Reads the Latest Copywriting Scam and Exposes Peter Schiff

The following audio was first created and published in 2016.  It seems that Peter Schiff has formed business relationships with his tribesmen at copywriting boiler room Agora Financial (via Wall...

Consumer Finance Con and Purveyor of Terrible Advice Robert Kiyosaki Claims He "Called the Financial Crisis"

Question of the Month: Is there a bigger con man in America today than Robert Kiyosaki? That's a good question because he certainly has a great deal of competition.   Even before beginnin...

Jim Rickards Wants to Sell You Easy Ways to Get Rich for Only $10,000

Is there a bigger financial charlatan in the world today than Jim Rickards? That's a very good question that deserves some serious thought. There's certainly no slam dunk answer to this question....

Charlatan Robert Kiyosaki Uses the TEDx Scam to Promote More Conspiracies and Spread Bad Advice

I've previous exposed the TED Talks and TEDx scam used by a variety of con artists and clowns as a way to market themselves to what many preceive to be a credible platform (link below). Aside from t...

More Proof Copywriting Charlatan Doug Casey Is a Contrarian Indicator

As a part of my goal to expose the army of scum bags from the very scammy financial copywriting industry, I've written quite a few articles and created an even larger number of videos pointing to the...

Failed Fund Manager Whitney Tilson Enters Scammy Copywriting Industry

The following piece reinforces what I have been stating countless times over the past several years. Anyone who wastes time watching or reading anything CNBC, Bloomberg, the Wall Street journal, Bar...

Harry Dent's Safe Asset Slaughter is Another Internet Marketing Scam Packed With Lies and Disinformation

Over the decades, Harry Dent has positioned attempted to position himself as a legitimate "economist." But he is nothing more than a typical broken clock. Sure Dent flip-flops, back tracks and even...

Agora Financial Founder James Davidson Warns of Hyperinflation, U.S. Stock Market and USD Collapse in 2016

We published this video a year ago but wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to see it. In this video James Dale Davidson (founder of the huge boiler room Agora Financial) comes out of hiding in......

James Davidson, Founder of Copyrighting Boiler Room Agora Financial

The annotated images (all found in the Image Library) give you an idea about Davidson and his clan. The video below presents the bigger pricture. Interested readers should also check the articles list...

Doug Casey Has Been Pitching the Exact Same Lines for 40 Years. And His Track Record is Really MISERABLE!

As you watch this interview from 1980, I want you to notice how Casey is questioned by the audience. Members of the audience question Doug Casey's credibility as well as his motives.

Another Boiler Room Operation from Agora Financial: Banyan Hill Publishing

The audio in the following video stops towards the end as a result of technical issues. ...

Mike Maloney's New Pitch to Siphon Money from His Low IQ Sheep

The annotated images below tell you all you need to know. These guys will keep lying and scamming until the day they die.  ...

EXPOSED: Doug Casey and the Fear-Mongering Syndicate (100 pp e-book)

This presentation required several years of research and effort. It consists of more than 100 pages and contains some of our most insightful analyses and conclusions regarding the fear-mongering, go...

Agora Financial Clown Steve Sjuggerud Pitches His "Greatest Wealth Transfer" Opportunity

We have yet another liar and con man from Agora.  Are you surprised?  Remember, everything these guys claim is false.  They are pathological liars. They would even lie about the......

Agora Financial Copywriting Clown Dan Ferris' Best Stock Pick Ever Video Pitch. I'll Give You the Name of the Stock for Free

If you want to see how con artists operate, watch the video I've posted below.  Warning: these videos tend to last an hour or longer. But if you have the time to kill you can learn how con arti...

Fraud Detection Expert Exposes Harry Dent and His Tactics

Mike Stathis holds the leading investment forecasting track record in the world since 2006.       Membership Resources   Mike Stathis has amassed one of the m...

Email and Video Marketing Scams by Agora Financial (Part 1)

Every sentence read (off of a script) by the charlatan in the video below screams "SCAM." And if you failed to immediately recognize this pitch as a scam, you're in deep doo doo because that means y...

Pseudo-intellectual BS Artist Chris Martenson Teams Up With Huckster Robert Kiyosaki

Although I've added a few images of these scum bags here, you can find a larger number of annotated images of these and many other charlatans in the image library.  Make sure to check the image...

An Important Message from Charlatan Harry Dent

Click here to watch Dent's latest bull shit if you want to see how fear-mongering con artists operate.  They use hocus pocus and claim it's legit.  Dent is a complete joke.   H...

Robert Kiyosaki, Career Charlatan, A Pictorial (Part 1)

The full version of this article (including the video) is available only to active Members and Clients.  I'm not going to go into the notion that Kiyosaki never even wrote any of his completel...

Mike Stathis Exposes Jim Rickards and His Gold Pumping Shit Book

I've previously exposed Jim Rickards (see related articles at the end). According to Rickards and the scam artists who put together his internet infomercials at Agora Financial (which also publishes t...

Air Head Nomi Prins Joins Fear-Mongering Profiteer Jim Rickards on the Doom & Gloom Gravy Train

In the video below (first recorded in 2013) Jewess Nomi Prins demonstrates how clueless she is regarding the landscape of the global economy and capital markets. Since this interview was published,...

EXPOSED: Agora Financial's Copyediting Doomsday Syndicate

Continued from EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)   Have you ever wondered why so many people lose money in the stock market? Although investors are ultimately respons...

Peter Schiff Teams Up With ANOTHER Agora Financial Charlatan!

Do you remember when Peter Schiff was telling millions of sheep that the US will encounter hyperinflation so they needed to exchange their dollars for "safe currencies" like the euro? We all sa...

EXPOSED: Copyediting Kingpin Behind Fear-Monger BULL SHIT Scams

In this video, you are going to see how all of the fear-mongering, broken clock, doomsday, gold-pumping con men are linked. As well, one of the original kingpins will be exposed. We have also adde...

Another Charlatan from "Faux Hero Syndicate" Joins Porter Stansberry's Boiler Room

This article and video discuss the addition of yet another charlatan to the boiler room copyediting firm known as Agora Financial. -------------------------------------------------------------------...

Mike Stathis Exposes Financial Copyediting and Money Show Scams

(see related audio and video below)       Copyediting scams like the one above featuring Jim Rickards (published by Porter Stansberry and Agora Financial) are the types of nonsens...

Mike Exposes Porter Stansberry's Latest Scam

Several years ago I exposed Porter Stansberry when he teamed up with fellow con man Alex Jones to create the fear-mongering nonsense video "The End of America." Porter was telling you to buy gol...

Can You Tell the Difference Between Kiyosaki, Trudeau and Schiff?

Listen to this short audio and decide for yourself. As far as I'm concerned, they are basically the same.

Ron Paul: Paid Whore for Scam Artist Porter Stansberry

I’ve already exposed Ron Paul as an agent of controlled opposition working for the Koch brothers. I’ve also previously exposed him as a proponent of the military-industrial complex. That...

EXPOSED: Jim Rickards (Part 1)

For the past two or three years now, a new charlatan has risen up from the ranks of the trash bin. Oh and he just happens to be Jewish. Coincidence?  You decide.  This egghead has been get...

Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible and Brazilian Real Estate

In the 50 minute audio below, Mike first discusses how Harry Dent, Peter Schiff and others in that realm claim to be analysts, economists and strategists, when the facts show they are professional mar...

Moron of the Month: Harry Dent (Take 2)

The second take is always better than the first, but you decide!

Why Would the Media Ask a Thailand Resident about the US Economy?

Why is a guy who lives in a village of Thailand being interviewed about the US economy and capital markets? ...

EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)

In the video below, we take a closer look at the doomsday douche bag, Chris Martenson, along with the doomsday publication called Money Map, which is a production of Agora Financial. Agora Financial...

EXPOSED: Doug Casey (Part 1)

In my opinion Doug Casey is a great contrarian indicator and a huge charlatan. And anyone who does not realize this is simply a damn fool. Furthermore, keep in mind that the apple never falls far fr...

CNBC Pinhead Asks Thailand Resident if the Nasdaq is in a Bubble

Ask yourself if you would want to hear what some guy living in a village in Thailand has to say about the Nasdaq. For the most comprehensive list and details regarding investment con men, gold pumpe......

Is Peter Schiff Any Different than Porter Stansberry or the NIA?

Today, we learn of even more clowns looking to duplicate Porter Stansberry’s fear-mongering tactics to lure unsophisticated people into his...

Comments on Fannie Mae, Bitcoin, Doug Casey, Jeff Berwick and Real Estate Scams

Here, Mike releases a 30-minute piece where he ties in many learning points.

Average Joe Tells How He Got Ripped off by Mike Maloney

In the video below, a young man tells his story of how he lost more than 50% in silver after buying into Mike Maloney’s bullshit.

VIDEO: Casey Research: A Prime Example of Idiots in the Financial Publishing Business

You aren't going to want to miss this video. I was directed to the Casey Research website after following the trail of one of the doomsday videos that have been plastered by countless hucksters t...

He's Back! Harry Dent the Clown Making More Ridiculous Predictions

UPDATED info on Harry "Doomsday" Dent and his SHITTY track record (20014 - 2015): EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible an...

Mutual Fund Disasters: David Tice and His Prudent Bear Fund

Want to save tens of thousands of dollars? In this article, I tie in numerous aspects of erroneous and deceptive marketing by the mutual fund industry, executed primarily through the business arrang...

Peter Schiff Exposes Porter Stansberry's False Claims to Make You Think He is Different

In the past, I have discussed that Porter Stansberry made numerous false claims in his snake oil video, The End of America. The video is so full of crap that I cannot watch it to remi...

Porter Stansberry the Clown, Preying on Sheep

Published on July 16, 2011. Updated on July 18, 2011.   I have not yet had the time to address the latest clown out there, Porter Stansberry with his BS video being pumped on conspirac...

Mutual Fund Disasters: Harry Dent the Fund Manager

Seizing upon his media “celebrity,” (which essentially means you have sheep lining up for your perceived expertise, created solely by being seen on television) Dent formed an ETF in 2009 c...

A Look at Harry Dent's Track Record

Update on Dent (April 25, 2015): Check out this new video on Dent, showing his terrible track record Broken Clock Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent   Update on Dent May 3, 2015: M...

Harry Dent. Economist, Futurist & Contrarian Indicator

UPDATED info on Harry "Doomsday" Dent and his SHITTY track record (20014 - 2015): EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1) Harry Dent, Wall Street Investment Bible an...
