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Jewish Scammer Bob Chapman Claims He, Jewish Scam Artist Max Keiser and Jewish Shill Alex Jones Have Woken Up the World


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Is This the Best Video Exposing the Gold Pumping Con Artists?

That's a tough question to answer once you consider the vast quantity of videos created by Mike Stathis over the years exposing these charlatans in effort to protect "Joe main street" from falling for...

Gold and Deflation (part 2)

The following audio was misplaced when first recorded in 2015 but is now being released. It's a followup to the first audio with the same title, Gold and Deflation (Part 1) which can be found here.&nb...

Is Goldmoney is a Scam? Listen to What a Customer Has to Say.

I previously warned people about Goldmoney.  See here Mike Exposes the Gold Money Mind Control Scam In addition to the more obvious mind control scam I previously discussed, I was also quite co......

Mike Shows How Gold Pumpers Have Screwed Those Who Fell for Their Lies

For more than a decade I have published hundreds of articles, audios and videos exposing myths, lies and fake news from gold pumping broken clocks (see below at the end of this entry for a sampli...

Mike Shows How Gold Pumpers Have Screwed Those Who Fell for Their Lies (Video 1)

Click on the empty box below and the video should load after a few seconds. ...

Mike Shows How Gold Pumpers Have Screwed Those Who Fell for Their Lies (Video 2)

Click on the empty box below and the video should load after a few seconds. ...

Lost Audio Archives: Gold is NOT Insurance They are Lying to You

The following audio was created sometime in 2014 or 2015. 

Hyperinflation in Venezuela Lessons from Gold Charlatans

The following discussion was originally recorded in early 2019. As always, the discussion by Mr. Stathis is unscripted with no notes or editing.

MarketWatch, Bloomberg and Goldman Sachs Are Spin Doctors of Confusion and Disinformation

Yesterday I showed how one of the low-life bloggers at the boiler room MarketWatch deceives people. See here.   Although I did not previously intend to do so, today I follow up with Goldman Sac......

YouTube Real Estate Clown George Gammon Changes to Doom Porn and Gold Pumping to Get Views

The following example serves to illustrate that George Gannon has largely been unsuccessful in his desperate attempts to gain traction (i/e views which translates into advertisement revenues) on YouTu......

Gold Pumping Charlatans Promote Coronavirus Fake News to Pitch Gold

If the wave of fear mongering we see today with the Coronavirus outbreak reminds you of the gold pumping syndicate, there's good reason, as we can draw many comparisons.  In fact, many gold pum...

World's Leading Precious Metals Analyst Reveals How the Sheep Are Being Conned by Gold Pumpers

The images below should serve to remind everyone about the clowns promoted by the media as "experts." Instead of valuable insight, these clowns pitch a fear and doom narrative to the masses of unint...

YouTube Ad Fraud: Gold Pumping Clown Claims Stock Market is Rising Because Fed is Buying Stocks

The video posted below is representative of the kind of nonsense that should be removed by the crooks working at YouTube. Sadly, there's virtually an endless supply of videos that are much worse than...

Patrick Byrne's Deep Capture Blog Promotes Gold Pumpers and Fake News

The following serves as a small sample of some of the BS that's come from Patrick Byrne and his blog, Deep Capture. Credibility and accuracy don't seem to matter much to Patrick Byrne, as he allows...

Blast from the Past: Exposing the Gold Pumping Syndicate

Mike displays his creative talents once again in this video produced a few years back. 

Is the Digital Nomad Scam Any Different from the Gold Pumping Scam?

The following audio was originally created in March 2017 but became forgotten in our massive digital library. It was recently discovered and has now been published for the first time. 

Blast from the Past: Gold & Silver Manipulation Exposed

Another classic video originally released in 2013, here Mike shows you the real manipulation of gold and silver. 

Blast from the Past: Survey of Gold Pumping Cons & Clowns on YouTube

This video was originally created in late 2013 (not certain). 

Gold Pumping, Fear-Mongering Con Man Now a Cryptocurrency Con Man

Today's con man serves to remind us how these guys end up doing what they do.   

Revisiting Another Gold-Pumping Doomsday Idiot: John Williams

You might recall an article I wrote a few years ago addressing John Williams, his hyperinflation lunacy and manipulation of the gold market by hacks like Williams.  Dismantling John William...

Aussie Destroys the Gold-Pumping Con Men

In the video below, a man from Australia has a few words for the gold-pumping, doomsday promoting, fear mongering con men.

Ron Paul: Tool of Controlled Opposition and Gold Pumping Clown

Folks, get ready to see Mike Stathis expose Ron Paul and Alex Jones as controlled opposition. Make sure to have a pencil and paper ready to take notes. After you watch these videos you will never...

Stathis Nails the Gold & Silver Trade AGAIN

Mike is perhaps best known as one of the top two or three stock market forecasters in the world and with good reason. Anyone who has followed Mikes forecasting knows it just doesn’t get any bett...

Addressing More Myths about Gold and Silver

I wanted to mention some points about gold and silver I have not previously addressed. Many of you who have read our articles on gold will note that I have addressed virtually every aspect of these me...

Why the Gold Bugs Got it All Wrong

The correction in the commodities bubble continues to be driven by weak economic growth. Similar to other assets traded on an open market exchange, commodities pricing is determined primarily by suppl...

Peter Schiff Exposed and the Truth About Gold

The video below says it all...well, not really. There are many other videos required to counter all of the inaccurate promotion of him by the media criminals, but for now this should do.

Stathis Discusses the Fate of Gold and the Global Economy

As we have been discussing for several months, the global economy continues to weaken. Although the establish economists have been forecasting a stronger second half for 2013, we have been warning our...

Gold Charlatans Strike it Rich While Their Sheep Get Fleeced (Part 5)

We saved the BEST and longest part of this series of articles on Gold Charlatans for last.   Note: this is a long article and you may wish to print it out and read parts of it as your lei...

VIDEO: Is Gold a Ponzi Scheme? Listen to Marc Faber's Answer

Just another video showing you that ALL of these media idiots are CLUELESS salesmen with agendas and shitty track records.

An Alternative Way to Play Gold

Mike discusses an alternative way to play gold that he feels has less risk and more upside.

VIDEO: More "Gold is Money" Brainwashing from Peter Schiff

After you watch this video, you will get a better idea why Peter Schiff fears going up head to head with Mike Stathis on a neutral platform. The two are on completely different levels. One is a clow...

VIDEO: Survey Says Gold Bugs Are Uneducated, Low-Income Sheep

A recent survey has confirmed what I have been pointing out for a long time; gold bugs are naive, easily fooled, unsophisticated investors with low educational attainment.

Gold Analysis & Forecast Video Presentation Released

In this 27-minute video, Mike discusses the technical analysis of gold, covering the short-term possibilities as well as the long-term. He discusses what to watch for, provides guidance for different...

Gold Charlatans Strike it Rich While Their Sheep Get Fleeced (Part 4)

Gold bugs and dealers alike have pumped out so many misconceptions and flat out lies about gold, silver, and the economy that it would be impossible for me to set the story straight in a single articl...

The Gold Price Paradox

As forecast, gold and silver have continued their bearish retreat. This bearish intermediate-term trend has baffled gold bugs, who were certain these precious metals would skyrocket with the announcem...

Gold Charlatans Strike it Rich While their Sheep Get Fleeced (Part 3)

None of these guys who preach doom and advocate gold as your key to salvation will EVER post articles or interview anyone who speaks the truth. The whole idea is to deceive their audience and they fea...

Gold Charlatans Running Out of Excuses as the Dow Hits a New High

UPDATE ON MARCH NEWSLETTERS: After a very harsh bout of the flu, Mike is now back on his feet and is preparing the newsletters.     As a reminder to those of you out there who still haven...

Gold Charlatans Strike it Rich While their Sheep Get Fleeced (Part 2)

Now, if you have not already read this hatchet job on John Williams, I want to encourage you to do so. After reading it, hopefully you will understand how Williams and the rest of these gold bug clown...

Gold Charlatans Strike it Rich While their Sheep Get Fleeced (Part 1)

Gold bugs and dealers alike have pumped out so many misconceptions and flat out lies about gold, silver, and the economy that it would be impossible for me to set the story straight in a single articl...

Gold Propaganda from Raymond Dalio

The other day I was alerted to article by a colleague who knew I wouldn’t be able to resist pointing another example of the type of inaccurate and reckless content spewed from CNBC on a daily ba...

We Nailed the Gold Breakout

Did you get in on the gold break out? We did. The following is part of the gold forecast we presented in the August 2012 Intelligent Investor (published on August 6, 2012).

Comprehensive List of Gold Hacks

We recently added a significant amount of material to our Encyclopedia of Bozos, Hacks, Snake Oil Salesmen and Faux Heroes. This is a publication that will be expanded indefinitely. As we conti...

The Quote of the Year Goes to Charles Munger When Speaking about Gold

“gold is a great thing to sew onto your garments if you’re a Jewish family in Vienna in 1939 but civilized people don’t buy gold – they invest in productive businesses.”

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 7)

Continuing from PART 6 In this series of articles I have been discussing the myths, lies, dreams and delusions about gold, hyperinflation and other nonsense that continues to be flooded into t...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 6)

Continuing from PART 5 It seems like every day we hear about some guy making gold and silver price forecasts, and these forecasts are invariably ridiculously high.   Some of these hacks i...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 5)

You certainly don’t have to be an annoying, brainless talking head to make money pumping gold. Anyone without a conscious could have been a millionaire if they had been a gold dealer over the pa...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 4)

Gold Bugs and Conspiracy Nuts... There are so many silly statements being made by gold bugs that it would take me a very long time to debunk them all. Most of them are not even worth my time to debunk...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 3)

As I previously discussed, I was very bullish on gold in the past. However, I never positioned it as an investment in the same manner as equities or bonds because there is no credible way to value gol...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 2)

Continuing from Part 1 Why I Became Cautious on Gold Over the past couple of years as gold pricing soared, I began turning much more cautious as I recognized the increasing wave of manipulation...

Kitco Senior Gold Analyst Agrees with My Views on Gold

As many of you recall, more than a year ago I wrote an article questioning what I felt to be exaggerated, baseless and sensationalist viewpoints and conclusions about the U.S. economy, gold and hyperi...

Golden Dreams & Delusions: The Story about Gold You Haven't Heard (PART 1)

The following article is more than 80 pp. in length and has been divided into 7 parts. This series of articles represents the most insightful analysis on the gold pumping scene ever published. And it...

Understanding Manipulation of Gold by the Media

While still working on Wall Street, I began recommending gold in late 2001 to my clients just when the bull market had commenced. As you might imagine, it was very difficult to convince older investor...

Understanding the Proper Use of Gold and Silver

For a couple of years now, many investors have been bombarded with claims of hyperinflation and a Zimbabwe-like fate for the U.S. dollar. These gold bugs would have you believe that gold has value as...

Manipulation of Gold and Silver Prices

Many of you know where I stand on gold. Despite having forecast gold to rise to very high prices in America's Financial Apocalypse, the fact is the gold bugs have fooled many to believe gold is a hedg...

The Cold, Hard Truth About Obama by Nader

I hate to even direct anyone to a Tech Ticker video since the head of this Internet propaganda venue is headed by none other than Henry Blodget, former Wall Street analyst who pumped the dotcom stocks...

Kitco: The CNBC of Gold

I was doing some research on gold propaganda and came across some interesting information I wanted to share with readers.  It turns out that Euro Pacific Capital (the brokerage firm Peter Schif...

Fool's Gold (Part 3)

Hopefully, after having read Part 1 and Part 2, you now realize that gold certainly isn’t a hedge against inflation; quite the opposite. Accordingly, a buy-and-hold approach is the worst possibl...

Fool's Gold (Part 2)

In part 1 of this article, I laid out some common sense explanations why gold is best utilized for short-term trading. Furthermore, I emphasized that gold rarely provides a good hedge against inflatio...

Fool's Gold (Part 1)

“…the U.S. might continue its trend towards inflation merely due to continued high oil prices and weakness of the dollar. And only after some disaster such as a Fannie Mae blowup might de...

Don't Bet on Hyperinflation

For several months now, I’ve heard all of this talk of hyperinflation. I’m sure you have too. I’ve seen that word so many times over the past year that I might have even used it with...

If You Want Lies, Follow the Media

Rather than offer valuable insight from real experts with no agendas, the media hand-picks clowns to reinforce Wall Street’s propaganda. It’s a game designed to screw you while they make m...
