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Who is Behind Wokeness, Anti-White Propaganda and White Replacement?

Who's Behind Wokeness, Anti-White Propaganda and White Replacement?

I'll give you a hint.

It's a very large mafia.

But this mafia isn't Italian (although many of these individuals often claim to be Italian as a way to mask their ethnic identity). 

You might recall when "famed" economics professor turned reporter, Paul Krugman told White Americans that "they're losing their country," and "they aren't the future." 

Unfortunately, Krugman's predictions are set to become a reality due to decades of anti-White, open borders, and multicultural policies implemented and advocated by Krugman and his tribe of Jewish elitists. 

On the economic front, Krugman has been a very strong advocate of free trade, globalization, and other arrangements that seek to exploit the working- and middle-class for the benefit of the wealthy.1

Meanwhile, like most liberals Krugman pretends to be concerned for the fate of working-class Americans.

What he really supports is anything that enriches his tribe of elitist parasites, while removing White people from their hard-earned position in the western world.  

Moreover, Jewish supremacists like Krugman have engineered and promoted the false notion of "White privilege" as a means by which to demonize White people and create a sense of shame among White people (i.e. "White guilt") for accomplishments they have worked hard to achieve for centuries.  

If these labels were attached to any other group of people, they would be considered racist.

But as many of you know, it's "okay" to make "racist" statements as long as they're directed at White people and White people only.  

For several decades, this anti-White blueprint has served as the foundation for destructive actions led by Jewish elites in western nations.  I refer to this organized crime syndicate as the Jewish mafia. 

Some of the actions and agendas of this anti-White blueprint include: 

1) Opening the borders of White nations to non-White people from the third world.

2) Getting anti-White, discriminatory Affirmative Action mandates passed into law.

3) Destruction of the family unit via promotion of feminist and LGBTQ movements.

4) Destruction of the family unit via promotion of excessive materialism.

5) Race destruction via promotion of multiculturalism and open borders policies.

6) Offshoring of jobs (mostly held by White men) to the third world.

7) Spreading the notion of "White guilt" by creating twisted narratives and rewriting history.

8) Engineering and leading anti-White movements (NAACP, BLM, and Antifa).

9) Leading the opposition (alt-right, White nationalist, and neo-nazi movements).

10) Brainwashing the public and indoctrination of youths via control of all media. 

11) Dissemination of ideologies which promote an anti-White value system.   

Numerous propaganda campaigns, movements and laws supportive of multiculturalism, so-called "White privilege," and "White guilt" have been designed to garner support for the societal, cultural, and racial extermination of White people from the U.S.A., and other nations formed and dominated by White people. 

We are talking about absolute White genocide.   

Just like you will never hear anyone speak of the White genocide that's taking place, you'll never hear any  mention of Jewish privilege, which is also very real.

This is an entirely separate topic which I have discussed many times in the past, and will continue to discuss in the future.  

One of the main objectives of elitists like Krugman is to weaken nations dominated by White people in order to gain more control over the population.

Achieving greater control over predominantly White nations will enable this crime syndicate to expand its operations of illicit activities within media, banking, and commerce more easily without any resistance or threat of prosecution. 

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