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Exclusive: Professor Kevin MacDonald Discusses the War Against White People and Destruction of Western Culture

Recently I spoke with Kevin MacDonald, Professor Emeritus of evolutionary psychology at CSULB (California State University at Long Beach).

I hope you enjoy this interview. 

You can learn more about Professor MacDonald, his books and publications by visiting his website (here).

You can also learn more about current issues on race and culture by visiting the Occidental Observer.  

Professor MacDonald's trilogy on Judaism within a modern evolutionary perspective.

1) A People That Shall Dwell Alone – explains how Jews use group evolutionary strategy to promote their self-interests.

  • Available on Amazon and other book retailers. 

2) Separation and its Discontents explains how anti-Semitism is based on evolutionary interpretation of social identity theory.

3) Culture of Critique – explains how Jewish networking was formed and how it influences Western civilization.

  • Available at AuthorHouse  and Indigo.
  • Preface to the first edition is available for free via download here.   
  • Chapter 6 is available for free via download here
  • Chapter 7 is available for free via download here
  • Chapter 8 is available for free via download here

Excerpts from the Occidental Observer Mission Statement

"We are highly cognizant of the fact that many of the most strident critics of the legitimacy of white identity and interests have a strong sense of their own ethnic identity and interests. And they have a deep sense of the importance of preserving their people and culture. Non-Western peoples throughout the world continue to seek political power, and they attempt to control their borders, establish their own cultures, and defend their perceived interests.

Societies in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand that have been controlled by whites for hundreds of years are the only ones to accept their own demise as a moral imperative. We view this outcome as the result of competition over the construction of culture in which the legitimate interests of whites have been compromised.

The Occidental Observer will attempt to rectify that. Major themes will be the bankruptcy of the current culture of the West, the powerful forces of political orthodoxy, and the debasement of the political process in the areas of both foreign and domestic policy.

The situation is particularly worrisome because present demographic trends, especially massive non-white immigration into Western countries, threaten to make whites a minority in these societies within the foreseeable future. Most whites have a gut feeling that the present trends do not bode well for their future and for the prospects of their descendants. We predict that whites will develop a stronger sense of their own identity and interests as a natural outcome of becoming a minority. We are simply ahead of the curve—an unsettling harbinger of things to come.

Our content will reflect a deep concern with intellectual honesty and with making claims that are consistent with scientific evidence. Our opponents have erected an intellectual milieu that is scientifically indefensible and that can only be supported by increasingly heavy-handed methods, such as ostracism, removal from employment, and vilification by the cultural and media establishment."

Click here to visit the Occidental Observer. 

Source:  Who is Leading the Charge for Open Borders, Multiculturalism and White Genocide?

                   Source: Who is Behind Wokeness, Anti-White Propaganda and White Replacement ?

See Also

Free Trade and Globalization

Media Control and Manipulation


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