Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

A Typical Idiot on YouTube Who Gets His Talking Points from Alex Jones and Peter Schiff

Folks, I could exhaust literally all of my time merely introducing you to all of the idiots on YouTube who think they are in some way qualified to discuss economics,  investments and the capital markets. 

As I have previously discussed, social media has caused people to think they are qualified to express their views even when they are clueless, as opposed to the good old days when people kept their mouths shut and focused more on learning rather than pretending to be experts.

A brief look at this clown gives you an idea just how stupid and delusional the masses have become.   

Enjoy the following video.  And remember that there are tens of thousands of clowns like this guy on YouTube making videos about economics and other topics for which they are not qualified.  

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