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America's Second Great Depression 2010 Year-end Update (Part 2)

I continue where I left off from Part one of this report. [1] 

Ever since the summer of 2009, economists from both Washington and Wall Street have told us that an economic recovery was in progress, but the data reveals a strikingly different picture. Some even insisted that a recovery began in late spring. You should note the source of these claims, as well as their agendas, so as to determine the underlying motives for disseminating this propaganda.
Regardless whether we point to the spring, summer or fall of 2009 or even 2010, the facts remain the same. There has been no real progress made in the economy. In fact, the actions taken by Washington, the U.S. Treasury and the criminal Federal Reserve Bank have assured the effects of this depression will persist for decades.
As the data shows, this “recovery” has been the slowest of any previous recession stretching back to the Great Depression.
How may we account for this?

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