Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

"Scam Tank" Con, Kevin O'Leary Proves He's a Greedy, Dishonest, Incompetent Parasite

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry. 

Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008. 

My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content.

I think I've done quite well in that regard. 

As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as t works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main street. 

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow.

Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comments, fake reviews, and hearsay from people they have no idea about. 

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record herehere, and here.

Examine Mike Stathis' unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis, enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking herehere, herehere, here, here, here, herehere, here, here, and here.


I have exposed CNBC's fake reality TV show Shark Tank (otherwise referred to as "Scam Tank") many times in the past. In brief, it's a staged, fake reality TV show featuring an army of Jewish jug heads and failures positioned as experts.  

Easily, the biggest weasel of the show is Kevin O'Leary.

Today, I'm going to show you once again why Shark Tank "celebrity" Kevin O'Leary is a greedy, dishonest, and incompetent parasite. 

And for all of you Mark Cuban fans, stay tuned because I'll mention a few interesting things about him as well. 

When Sam Bankman-Fried's crypto Ponzi scheme FTX blew up in November 2022, Shark Tank charlatan Kevin O'Leary was exposed as a business and investment idiot.

But of course he exposed himself as such many times in the past.  

The collapse of FTX was not at all surprising to me, as I have been warning about cryptocurrency scam artists, Ponzi schemes, and blowups for several years. 

In fact, I issued warnings about FTX just a few months before it collapsed. 

Mike Stathis Exposes Sam Fried and Cryptocurrencies as a HUGE SCAM Before FTX Collapse

As well, I have been discussing my take on O'Leary for quite some time. 

Quite simply, Kevin O'Leary is a business and investment clown posing as an expert in the media. I also consider him to be a dishonest parasite who appears to have no limits on what he will say or do to obtain money.  

That makes him a shameless money worshipper. 

One of the problems with people who worship money is that they often engage in extreme immoral and often illegal activities that end up hurting a lot of people.  But they only care about extracting money any way they can, so they don't think of or care about those they hurt in the process.  We see a great deal of this kind of behavior going on in the U.S.A these days and it's beyond disturbing.  

O'Leary has a long history of deceptive marketing practices, failing to comply with Federal Trade Commission affiliate marketing and endorsement laws.

And we cannot forget about his business partnership with the cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme FTX.   

Indeed, I view Kevin O'Leary as a morally bankrupt scam artist, but that's only my opinion. I urge you to investigate O'Leary and his activities on your own prior to forming your own opinion of him. 

In O'Leary's bio from the O'Shares website, he claims to be a "disciplined investor" based on what you've seen by watching him on Shark Tank (see image below). 

I have two comments regarding O'Leary's claim that he's a "disciplined investor."

First, consider this. You have a chairman of an investment company. And the only thing he points to in his investment company bio is that you should realize he's a "disciplined investor" (only) because you've watched his (fictional) TV show.

This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've come across in years! 

From this statement alone, O'Leary is admitting he's a clown.

"Disciplined investor"? 

What kind of vague, meaningless term is that anyway?

Anyone can claim to be a disciplined investor.  It's a very subjective term with no clear definition. 

Why won't O'Leary show evidence of his "investment expertise" instead of making useless claims? 

Answer: because no such evidence exists. 

In fact, I have evidence pointing to the contrary.  

It's quite revealing that O'Leary doesn't make any claims about his business and investment past that might serve to convince prospective investors that he's a credible investor.

If he's being honest, O'Leary knows he cannot point to much of anything from his past that would indicate he has a clue about investments. Hence, he points to a fictional TV show as his only evidence that he's a "disciplined investor."

But I don't think he omits hyperbole from his bio because he's an honest man.

O'Leary doesn't want to be sued by investors for making false claims. So he points to a fictional TV show as evidence that he's a "disciplined investor" in order to lure dummies who watch "Scam Tank" into his overpriced, deceptively marketed ETFs. 

The second point I'd like to make is that I view the claim he made in his bio as part of an investment hoax because he is extrapolating events from a staged, fake, fictional TV show into reality in order to convince unsuspecting prospective customers that he's a competent investor. 

Let me be clear here. Kevin O'Leary is NOT a competent investor.  

Given that O' Leary was duped by Bankman-Fried, it should be obvious he's incompetent. There's much more evidence backing this conclusion. 

And Shark Tank (Scam Tank) is a completely staged, fake reality TV show similar to The Apprentice, Storage Wars, and all other so-called "reality TV shows." 

They're all fake and that's a fact. 

What this means is that O'Leary and all other clowns who are portrayed as "experts" on "reality TV" shows are fictional characters.

Thus, when they use their fake "expert" status to make money, they are committing fraud because their 'expert" status is grounded on a fictional TV show comprised of staged, fictional events.

Mark Cuban Makes a Cameo

Another Jewish "Scam Tank" fake business and investment "expert," Mark Cuban was caught with egg all over his face after several cryptocurrencies he promoted collapsed. 

If you think Cuban is a business and investment "expert" as portrayed by his Jewish buddies who control the media, I recommend you check my previous articles and videos on him.  

Who Controls the Media? 

Just like Kevin O'Leary, Cuban is a business bozo, lousy investor, and money worshipper. 

If you understand that all so-called "experts" who make regular TV appearances are clowns, cons, and contrarian indicators, (I have been proving this for over a decade) given that he's on TV positioned as a business and investment "expert," you should have already realized Cuban is a clown even before learning about his crypto debacle.   

You might not be surprised to learn that just a few years ago, both O'Leary and Cuban stated that bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies had "no intrinsic value." 

In other words, they were saying all digital coins are worthless.  They even called them scams.   

In a CNBC interview in 2019, O'Leary specifically called bitcoin a "useless cryptocurrency" as well as "garbage."

At the time, bitcoin was selling for around $8,325.  

Who Controls the Media? 

But once this predatory duo realized they could make lots of money without working, but by doing what they do best - running their mouths - they reversed their views about cryptocurrencies and became paid shills for crypto coins, NFTs, and crypto exchanges. 

And they proved once again to be not only scammers, but investment bozos. 

Fortunately, O'Leary and Cuban are facing lawsuits as a result of their dealings with crypto Ponzi schemes FTX and Voyager Digital, respectively.   

Don't get your hopes up that justice will be served considering O'Leary and Cuban are likely to benefit from what I call "Jewish Privilege."

Cuban already escaped insider trading penalties from the SEC several years ago as the result of  "Jewish Privilege." See Cuban's Shame and More Incompetence from the SEC.

If you don't know what I'm referring to when I speak of "Jewish Privilege," ask yourself who runs the legal system, the media, Hollywood, Wall Street, banking, finance, corporate America, academia, think tanks and other policy infuencers, as well as state and federal government.

Then ask yourself why so many Jewish individuals get away with so many crimes.

Next, ask yourself how less than two percent of the U.S. population is able to dominate so many vital industries.   

Imagine how many people got sucked into these crypto scams because they believed O'Leary and Cuban to be investment experts, just like they are portrayed by their tribesmen in the Jewish-controlled media. 

See Jewish Moron Mark Cuban Advised the Pubic to Stay Out of the Market in 2010

Yet, both of these money-worshipping con men continue to make daily media rounds in order to promote themselves as investment and business experts, all while distracting attention away from their crypto controversies and legal troubles, acting as if nothing happened.  

Kevin O'Leary and Mark Cuban should be immediately removed from Shark Tank.

They should also face a widespread media ban for life.

But of course this isn't going to happen.

After all, if the media banned every scam artist it helped create, it would have no "experts" to interview. 

Instead of the media banning scam artists and clowns, it positions them as "experts," but ONLY if they are Jewish.  

Meanwhile, honest, legitimate Gentile experts like myself have been banned simply for speaking the truth and trying to help main street.  

Are we talking about racial discrimination by the Jewish mafia? Yes.

Are we also talking about fraud by the jewish mafia? Yes. 

It's just another day in JEWmerica.  

One of the more recent distractions O'Leary has latched onto is Bud Light's disastrous "woke" ad campaign.

O'Leary and Cuban have created media drama going back and forth arguing against (O'Leary) and for (Cuban) the implementation of "woke" policies in corporate America. 

The "woke" movement overlaps with Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing.  

See here for more on ESG. 

O'Leary's most recent position that companies should not get involved with "woke" policies because it's bad business is consistent with his views back in January 2019, when he claimed that ESG investments had "abysmal performance."

But a couple of years later in early 2021, O'Leary (O'Shares ETF Investments) applied with the SEC to launch six Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) ETF funds. 

  • O'Shares ESG 500 ETF
  • O'Shares ESG Quality Value ETF
  • O'Shares ESG Quality Growth ETF
  • O'Shares Quality Preferred ETF
  • O'Shares Next Internet Giants ETF
  • O'Shares Autonomous and Electric Vehicles ETF

Of course that was during a time when ESG investing was still the "in thing."

Now that ESG investments are facing a great deal of public scrutiny due to a wave of disturbing woke ad campaigns, O'Leary is pretending he's against ESG investing without mentioning the six ESG ETFs he plans to launch.

That's what you call a dishonest con man and hypocrite. 

But he's Jewish, so he must be an "expert," as the Jewish-controlled media would have you believe.  

Even after his involvement as an admitted business partner and promoter of FTX, O'Leary has the nerve to pretend he's a "business guru," as he announced plans to "lecture students" about the failures of Bud Light's "woke" ad campaign. 

What can students learn from a dishonest and immoral scam artist, business failure, money worshipper, and investment idiot? 

Answer: How to grift your way to wealth. 

Meanwhile, no one in the media is calling O'Leary out for having helped FTX scam people, or the fact that he jumped on the woke/ESG band wagon a couple of years ago, after previously bashing the performance of ESG funds.

You can bet that once the "woke" storm settles down, O'Leary will launch his ESG ETFs.

Everything is about money to this guy.

He has no moral compass. He's simply a greedy, money-worshipping con man.   

Instead of being exposed as a dishonest, shameless hypocrite and charlatan, O'Leary continues to be promoted by the media on a daily basis, as a business and investment "expert." 

The reality is that the media will never portray O'Leary for who he really is, nor will it hold him accountable for being a partner and paid promoter of a massive cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme because this would expose the media's M.O. of promoting cons and idiots as "experts."   

Ditto for Mark Cuban. 

The daily fake guru interviews O'Leary continues to receive provide him with a great distraction platform. He's able to get people to forget about his cryptocurrency debacle and convince them he's a business and investment expert.  

Ditto for Cuban. 

The case of Kevin O'Leary illustrates the most common form of media fraud, whereby the media positions (almost exclusively Jewish) clowns, cons, and contrarian indicators as "experts" in order to steer the audience into the gutter.

After consuming the "wisdom" and advice of guys like O'Leary, most of the audience inevitably loses money.  But they often respond to their losses by contacting the advertisers aired during the shows that resulted in them losing money. 

This scam ensures optimal ad revenue for media networks.

It also ensures the audience suffers.   

The "experts" featured on these programs also reap tremendous benefits.

For instance, O'Leary benefits from this media scam because the audience is led to believe that he's some kind of business and investment expert. 

O'Leary leverages this fictional perception which enables him to command ridiculously excessive speaking fees, land huge endorsement deals and form companies or license his name to companies in exchange for using his name. 

O'Leary launched a mutual fund company a few years ago (most likely a licensing deal similar to his current ETF company) leveraging his promotion on Shark Tank as a business and investment expert. But the company folded within a couple of years. 

Ditto for Cuban. 

It's the same song and dance with all of the media's so-called "experts." 

I've written hundreds of articles and created even more videos over the past fifteen years explaining how this media scam operates. In the process of exposing the media scam, I've featured clowns like Peter Schiff, Jim Cramer, Jim Rogers, Harry Dent, Jim Rickards, Porter Stansberry, Robert Prechter, and many others.

And guess what. They're all Jewish. 

I didn't plan it that way.

That's just the way it is. 

The takeaway message is that although I view Kevin O'Leary as a business and investment idiot as well as a money-worshipping con man, he would never have the opportunity to scam and mislead people if the media had not promoted him as a business and investment "expert." 

The same applies to Mark Cuban along with all of the other "experts" promoted constantly by the criminal Jewish-run media.    

Who Controls the Media? 

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