Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Ron Paul: Paid Whore for Scam Artist Porter Stansberry

I’ve already exposed Ron Paul as an agent of controlled opposition working for the Koch brothers.

I’ve also previously exposed him as a proponent of the military-industrial complex. That’s right. If you think Paul’s so-called “anti-war" policy means an end to the military giants you haven't examined his list of campaign contributors. Defense giants funded Paul's campaign for years. 

Finally, I’ve shown that Ron Paul is an absolute investment disaster. But that should come as no surprise to anyone who has heard some of the outlandish things he has said. Many of his economic ideas often cause sensible people to scratch their head in disbelief. 

Every good salesman has a unique pitch. Ron Paul is no different. He has been cashing in on his phony "no government, pro-freedom" marketing pitch for decades, dating back to his wacky survivalist, racist, gold pumping weirdo newsletters from the 1980s.

Ron Paul has fooled a good number of people with this pitch. He tells his sheep how bad the government is. But he loved being on the congressional payroll for thirty years.

His son Rand runs the same scam but he isn't as good of an actor as his dad. As a matter of fact, Rand Paul can't even fool many of the diehard Ron Paul supporters anymore.

[Peter Schiff tried to utilize the same tactic. Fortunately, it didn't work for him.]

If the government is really so "bad" and "useless," why was Ron Paul scratching and clawing to get elected every two years? Isn't that hypocritical?

Even before he retired from Washington, for years Ron Paul made frequent appearances on Alex Jones' disinfo radio show to spread his fear mongering. This enabled Jones to strategically cut for advertisement breaks in order to pitch gold, iodine drops, water filters and other garbage. This stuff is staged folks.

Well guess what.

Ron Paul is now working full time cashing in on the doomsday propaganda.

Similar to other nut jobs and con men from Washington who have defected to the copyediting industry, Ron Paul has joined David Stockman and Paul Craig Roberts.

These scum bags (let's call them the Three Stooges from Washington) are being paid large sums of money to pump out all kinds of fear mongering delusions so their puppet masters can convince suckers they need to buy gold and other garbage in order to survive "the real crash" and in order to take advantage of "the greatest transfer of wealth."

Who do you think is paying for all of this nonsense? 

Gold dealers, penny stock promoters and a few other groups.

But at the end of the day, the ones who fall for these scams end up paying for everything, while fattening the bank accounts of the con men behind the scams.

You may have noticed that Ron Paul's picture has been all over the Internet lately, with captions stating how he wants to warn seniors before "it's too late."

Ron Paul is being paid to pitch Porter Stansberry’s fear-mongering bull shit which is almost certain to cause the sheep to lose money.

What makes me so sure of this? 

Quite simply, all of these gold pumping con men are contrarian indicators. Anyone who doesn't realize that by now hasn't examined their track record.

Let's not forget that Porter Stansberry was the clown who came out with his ridiculous “End of America” bull shit video back in 2010.

In that video, he insisted you should stay out of the US stock market because he claimed it was going to collapse.

He said you needed to buy gold and prepare for hyperinflation and a dollar collapse.

He said the end of America would come in 2011.

The exact opposite has happened.

Back in 2010 when Stansberry’s “End of America” was being advertised night and day, his own firm rated his investment newsletter a C, which as you can see was the lowest rating of all of the publications!

How many people do you think lost money because they listened to Stansberry's fear-mongering crap?

Perhaps an even bigger problem is that more people lost money because they were too scared to invest in the US stock market after hearing Stansberry's BS.

Of course we can't place all of the blame on good old Porter. An even bigger culprit is Peter Schiff, along with Marc Faber, Jim Rogers and the rest of that crew that receives daily media coverage despite managing to consistently get just about everything dead wrong.

Now Stansberry is pitching the same crapola, calling it America 2020. He's a tad smarter this time around though. Now he has a five year cushion which enables him to bring in even more money from the sheep as they await the "end of America."

Remember, you are judged by the company you keep!

After looking at his investment performance, I think I see why Ron Paul sold out to scam artists.

Perhaps he is desperate to get back some of the money he lost in his gold and silver "investments."


Moron of the Month - David Stockman

EXPOSED - Jim Rickards (Part 1)

Moron Of The Month: Harry Dent (Take 2)

EXPOSED: More Doomsday Charlatans (Agora Financial Pt 1)

Porter Stansberry The Clown, Preying On Sheep

Peter Schiff Exposes Porter Stansberry's False Claims To Make You Think He Is Different

Video: Educating a Libertarian Hack from Harvard

Exposed: Texe Marrs & Obama, Alex Jones & Ron Paul

Mike Stathis Destroys CNBC Wh**e And Schools Ron Paul In Economics

Reminder about the Clowns Who Continue to Get Everything Wrong

Ron Paul and Many Other Frauds EXPOSED

Ron Paul, Investment Disaster

Ron Paul: Tool of Controlled Opposition and Gold Pumping Clown

John Hussman: Another Doomsday Douchebag With Terrible Performance

The Media Macarena

More Vultures

Ron Paul: Wrong on the Economy, Wrong on Healthcare (Part 1)

Ron Paul: Wrong on the Economy, Wrong on Healthcare (Part 2)


Remember that Mike is not getting paid to save people from the lies about gold, silver and the economy that continue to be spread by the countless number of charlatans who are always in the media.

He does not sell precious metals and he does not sell securities.

He does not even sell advertisements.

That means he has NO AGENDAS.

In fact, he is losing a great deal of money for speaking the truth and trying to save Main Street.

How often do you hear someone spend so much time at work fighting to get the truth out when they should be focusing on sales? With the exception of Mike’s efforts, it NEVER happens.

Many have been fooled by snake oil salesmen to think they are on your side, when they are really looking to hook you into their sales pitch.

Mike could focus on producing videos that always highlight his amazing track record in order to generate sales, but he doesn’t.

Instead, he spends a great deal of time exposing the liars and con men out there who are duping millions of people with their gold-pumping, doomsday delusions, even though these efforts are costing Mike a great deal of lost sales.

Just remember this down the road once you look back at this period as a huge fraud perpetrated not only by Wall Street, but also by thousands of doomsday, gold-pumping charlatans. If you do not already realize they are scam artists, you will eventually if you take their advice. That is a guarantee.

Mike Stathis remains the lone voice of reason and wisdom for Main Street.


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Check here also  Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy

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