Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Jim Cramer Says Sam Bankman-Fried is the JP Morgan of this Generation

I began my mission helping investors steer clear of Wall Street because I learned firsthand how the game was played after having worked in the industry. 

Thereafter, I learned how the media helps Wall Street after I was black balled by all media in 2006 and thereafter for trying to warn main street about what would become an unprecedented financial crisis in 2008. 

My mission has been to help investors become more knowledgeable and successful by providing cutting-edge investment research as well as top-notch educational content.

I think I've done quite well in that regard. 

As a part of this mission, I have also spent a great deal of time and effort exposing the criminal activities of the financial media, as it works with Wall Street to deceive and defraud main street. 

Unfortunately, most people have forgotten how critical it is to know the credibility and reliability of the sources they choose to follow.

Instead of checking credentials and track records, they go by the number of likes, fake comments, fake reviews, and hearsay from people they have no idea about. 

Those who are unfamiliar with me can find out more about my credentials, my background, as well as my investment research track record herehere, and here.

The reader can examine my unmatched track record of predicting the 2008 financial crisis and enabling investors to capture life-changing profits by checking herehere, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.


In late September 2022, just days before the collapse of FTX, Jim Cramer praised his Jewish tribesman, Sam Bankman-Fried calling him the "JP Morgan of this generation. 

This is another absurd claim made by con artist, stock manipulator, and scum bag Jim Cramer, which leads us to ask the following critical question. 

Why doesn't the media ever remind us of the terrible calls made by its "experts" like Cramer and the rest of kosher con artists in the media? 

The short answer: The media is designed to make money by screwing its audience. 

The trick is to make you think the media's "experts" are "brilliant investment legends," so you'll tune in and follow their lead.

But research has shown that the more you tune in, the more money you will lose.

Meanwhile, media firms make loads of money from advertisements played during the shows.

So it's not difficult to see that the more you tune in, the more money you're going to lose, and the more money the media is going to make at your expense.

The last thing the media would ever reveal is that its "experts" are con artists, idiots, and contrarian indicators.

Obviously, if this reality became common knowledge, the audience size would shrink. And this would lead to less advertisement revenues.   

It seems certain Sam Bankman-Fried will go to prison for his crimes.

But similar to Bernie Madoff, Bankman-Fried will serve as a scapegoat for many other Jewish crypto crooks who will never spend a day in jail, including his parents who were clearly involved in the FTX scam.  

Some would argue Jim Cramer also belongs in prison.

I would be one of them. 

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