Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Blast from the Past (March 2006): Corporate Fraud Endorsed by the US Government

In my relatively brief years in the real world, I think I have been fortunate enough to have learned how some things work, like the U.S. capitalist and political systems. It’s not a pleasant reality either; that is if you have a conscious.  

Essentially, money rules. And if you have enough of it you are often placed above the law. And this is rule of law is accentuating the disparity in America between the “haves” and the “have nots.”
On Wall Street, I saw this first hand, as the huge producers got away with what would be considered securities fraud if they were caught. Firms generating huge amounts of money are willing to take the risks of being caught because the penalties pale in comparison to the riches secured.   
But it doesn't end on Wall Street. The same goes for all industries. Take a look at healthcare. As HMOs encourage physicians to push pills over alternative treatments, they too are guilty of robbing Americans of healthcare benefits that have been prepaid. 
Perhaps it is less excusable in healthcare than other industries due to the “ethics” involved. Unfortunately, these ethics are gradually dissipating. So too are the drug companies guilty of sending drugs to market knowing of the adverse effects.

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