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Kyle Bass' Fund Collapses by 95 Percent After Losing Bet Against HK Dollar With Alleged Illegal Money

As I have been discussing for many years, Kyle Bass' performance as a fund manager has been miserable after he rose to fame by recording impressive gains in 2007 betting against sub-prime mortgage securities. 

But Bass isn't alone. The post-crisis performance of each fund manager who profited from bets against sub-prime mortgage securities ranges from terrible to not so good. 

Jewish Wall Street shill Michael Lewis has been celebrated as the go to author when it comes to anything and everything to do with Wall Street less enviable mechanisms.

So, why doesn't Lewis write a book about the horrendous post-crisis performance of these fund managers? 

Because it wouldn't serve the interests of the financial media. which focuses its efforts on creating investment demi-gods in order to boost views. This represents the "Holy grail" for media crime bosses because it generates big advertisement money. 

Lewis does what the financial media crime bosses want him to do which is to pretend to expose Wall Street. Lewis might actually be so naive and clueless that he has no idea what's going on. Based on his poor understanding of the financial crisis, I'd say this is a possibility. Either way, the reality is that Lewis is a gatekeeper for both Wall Street and his financial media tribesmen.

To reward Lewis for his loyalty to the Wall Street and financial media crime syndicate, the media religiously promotes Lewis as some kind of sage who is able to "break down and explain the complexities of Wall Street's inner workings" in what are in reality fictional disinformation books marketed as non-fiction.

Moreover, Hollywood stands ready to offer Lewis lucrative movie deals for writing his fluff books because he's doing what Wall Street wants. But this isn't all about rewarding Lewis. The media establishment wants the fictional renditions of actual events written by Lewis and other Wall Street shills to serve as recorded history. This is where Hollywood comes into play.  

Due to the opaqueness and complexity of this facade, most people have no idea who really predicted the financial crisis and how Wall Street and the financial media continue to deceive and defraud investors. 

Please watch the video below.  It will reveal how and why Kyle Bass launched a fund to bet against the Hong Kong dollar.

Using up to 200-to-1 leverage, the fund lost 95%. 

Even worse than the astounding losses suffered by Bass' fund, the source of capital for the fund was (allegedly) raised illegally and linked to convicted fraudster and Jewish leader of the Alt-Right movement, Steve Bannon. 

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