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Search results for: Schiff



Showing 81-100 of 445 results

Bonehead Financial Planner and Friend of Robert Kiyosaki Recommends Peter Schiff's Useless Gold Fund

Listen to these idiots in the video below. Then check the results.   This proves once again that it's absolutely critical to arm yourself with a real investment expert because there's so much garbage out there.   Imagine how much money you might prevent from losing by understanding the need to avoid these broken clock snake oil salesmen. Remember, real experts are never featured in the financial media. Only con artists and idiots are. That's the way the media has designed the game so it can place a higher price tag on advertisement slots for financial firms seeking to cater to an audience whose investment portfolios have suffered after having listened to the advise of the media's so-called experts.  That's the way the Jewish-run media s......

Peter Schiff Embarrasses Himself AGAIN With His Dog and Pony Rant and Horrendous Forecasts

What more do we need to say other than what has been said in the headline? You won't want to miss this video.

Blast from the Past: Pathetic Performance of Peter Schiff's Mutual Funds

The following audio commentary was originally created in 2016.  The charts below were provided to accompany the presentation. 

Mike Stathis Offers to Bet Peter Schiff Money that Hyperinflation Will Not Occur

We recently ran across this excerpt from an interview given by Mike in June 2012, discussing the Rape of Greece by the Jewish bankers. You sure aren't going to hear this from the Kosher media because it represents the truth.

How to Understand Emerging Market Investments While Exposing Peter Schiff's Terrible Advice

The following excerpts were taken from the July 2015 Global Macroeconomic Analysis presentation.  ...

Mike Contacts Europacific Capital and Schools One of Schiff's Monkeys! An Epic Video

NOTE: there is a video associated with this post. Unfortunately, our host changed the types of media formats permitted and altered the system sometime between 2016 and 2018 without notifying us of the change. As a result, most of the videos and audios published prior to 2017 no longer play or show up on article entries.  In order to correct this huge issue we need to reformat up to 2000 videos and audios and then reupload them to the host. This process alone is estimated to consume hundreds of hours. Next, we need to determine which videos should be placed with each article entry. This task is also estimated to consume hundreds of hours. We have been working to resolve this issue for several months.  Because the name of many of the videos do not resemble article titles, it......

A Typical Idiot on YouTube Who Gets His Talking Points from Alex Jones and Peter Schiff

Folks, I could exhaust literally all of my time merely introducing you to all of the idiots on YouTube who think they are in some way qualified to discuss economics,  investments and the capital markets.  As I have previously discussed, social media has caused people to think they are qualified to express their views even when they are clueless, as opposed to the good old days when people kept their mouths shut and focused more on learning rather than pretending to be experts. A brief look at this clown gives you an idea just how stupid and delusional the masses have become.    Enjoy the following video.  And remember that there are tens of thousands of clowns like this guy on YouTube making videos about economics and other topics for which they are not qualif...

Mike Stathis Educates Peter Schiff on China, Social Security and Economics

The following video was published in August 2013.    
