Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

Blast from the Past: Mike Predicts Demise of Washington Mutual and Lehman

The interview below was given on September 11, 2008.

Listen carefully as you hear Mike predict the fall of Washington Mutual and Lehman.

Imagine how much better investors would have been if Mike were given media exposure. Instead, the Jewish-run media promotes Jewish con men and losers with terrible track records as "experts." Think about it. You need to start getting pissed off at the Jewish media scam.


Can anyone offer any evidence that there is someone who is any better than Mike?  

If so, you would have already landed our $100,000 prize.


Below Mike has released Chapter 12 of his own 2007 book showing that he was the only one to not only have predicted the financial crisis, but also showed specific ways to land huge profits.


Check here to download Chapter 12 of Cashing in on the Real Estate Bubble.


View Mike Stathis' Track Record here, herehere and here.


Check here also  Stathis Nails The Dec 2014 Market Selloff With Stunning Accuracy


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