Invest Intelligence When It Realy Matters

How Does Peter Schiff Spend His Time?

Everywhere you turn, it seems as if the media is feeding you with “experts” who have the next great call to make. Whether from the print or broadcast media, they always position their hand-picked salesmen and Monday morning quarterbacks as “experts.”

But are they REALLY experts? 

Do they have track records that back up this claim?

Do real experts spend almost all of their time in marketing activities, or are they grinding things out trying to sort out what is going on?

After answering these questions, it should be obvious why these clowns are nothing more than a broken record, spewing the same generic lines over and over for years. These are the same men who have been disastrously wrong. But the media will never point this out because it would diminish the perceived value of its so-called experts.  

The media has even insisted that many of these professional marketers “predicted the financial crisis.”

Of course, this is not true unless warning about a real estate bubble qualifies. In that case, much of Main Street also predicted the financial crisis.

The fact is that I remain as the small handful of individuals who truly predicted the financial crisis and economic collapse.

In fact, based on my detailed forecasts as found in America’s Financial Apocalypse and Cashing on the Real Estate Bubble, I argue that no one came close to my forecasts.

None of the small handful of hedge fund managers who profited from the sub-primes. No one. This is a statement of fact. And if you do not yet realize this, I suggest you get up to speed. 

And I have even issued a $100,000 challenge open to anyone who can provide sufficient evidence that there is an individual who can merely match my track record. After three years of announcing this bounty, not one person has so much as made a submission.

The reason I issued this $100,000 challenge was to prove to everyone that the media focuses more on promoting clowns and shills rather than real experts.

And if you happen to be Jewish, you will be at the top of the list of “experts” promoted by the Jewish-controlled media.


Peter Schiff serves as a great example.




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